Do Not Despair. Dominion Belongs To Jesus.

“For dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭22:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We pray for and honor and mourn for the families who lost their fallen hero (and ours) yesterday. We pray for and honor and make decrees over the Afghan church. We pray for and honor and cover every American and American soldier there now. 


Despair, fear and hopelessness is the devil’s dominion. But for those of us who have put our complete trust in Christ, we know and have confidence in His dominion, His Kingdom, His power, His authority, His love for the world, His reign over the nations and His finished work. 

What is happening is not catching the LORD by surprise. The world’s problems become His plans and promises. King Jesus is bringing everything full circle.

The exposure of satan’s agenda and corruption will continue to escalate. Because Jesus is bringing a Justice, Liberty and Freedom to America and the globe we have yet to see in history. And it first starts with His church and His revival. 

Yes, we co-labor with Him. Yes, we play a part. But He knows what He is doing. He is El Elyon and El Shaddai. He is God Most High.

There is more going on than meets the natural eye. For every root of evil that is being revealed and plucked up, there is a righteous remnant taking its place and turning this ship around!

So DO NOT FRET. Pray from Victory not for it and hold your peace. See your Salvation (Yeshua). For He has no equal. Renew your mind with His Word. Don’t warp it with the news. Let the Spirit of celebration arise within you… because the best is yet to come!

because You are in control, the Ruler of all nations. Psalm 22:28 CEV

“God has taken charge; from now on He has the last word.” Psalms 22:28 msg

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes

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