“Jesus overheard what they were talking about and said to the leader, ‘Don’t listen to them; JUST TRUST ME.’” Mark 5:36 MSG
Stop listening to the naysayers. Tune out any voice that is an opposition to your faith! And tune-in to those who are releasing it!
With men this is impossible…but not with GOD! This is His show; starring Holy Justice and Salvation Spirit! And much is taking place behind the curtains!
Rejoice! Things have to look completely hopeless for your faith to be fully operable. Now is the time to burst forth into spontaneous praise while Jesus and His heavenly hosts ambush the powers of darkness and enforce His finished work!
By the power of the cross, Jesus will lead them once again as prisoners in a procession of triumph; He is not their prisoner, they are His! (Colossians 2:15).
Jesus is the Victor. And we who live in Him and believe are His victorious army leading America into Her most glorious days!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His Truth is MARCHing on!
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes
I loved this! So needed!
Love you!
Praise Jesus! Blessings over you now!