Be Conscious Of Your Innocence In Christ!

“So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Condemnation always keeps you from enjoying His constant love. Condemnation always keeps you from experiencing the benefits of His peace found in believing your complete innocence IN Christ.

The evidence of your innocence is Jesus. The gospel is the scandalous good news of what God did right in His Son’s death, burial and resurrection by putting you in perfect standing and unbreakable union with Him. Jesus was condemned in your place.

You are never ever defined by your performance (good or bad), behavior (good or bad), thoughts (good or bad), circumstances (good or bad) or past (good or bad). 

You are defined by His unconditional love for you expressed in His finished work! He became your sin and you became His righteousness!

“This is the divine exchange:…He took our sins and we became His innocence.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 Mirror Bible

Condemnation, shame and guilt come from not believing this truth. Condemnation is the result of constant sin-consciousness which manifests as stress, health issues, a poverty mentality and every other form of the curse that Jesus bore for you (to give you His wholeness)!

“This is final: I have no record of your sins and misdeeds. I cannot recall them.” Hebrews 10:17 Mirror Bible

Don’t believe those lies about yourself for one more second! Your Father wants you Jesus-conscious, beloved-conscious, righteousness-conscious! Holy Spirit is constantly persuading you to be constantly conscious of the success of His cross!

Receiving the gift of no guilt, no shame and no condemnation will free you to have intimacy with Him. Receiving the gift of His righteousness frees you to experience His lavish grace, walk in your true identity, and experience His joy and peace.

You will have as much internal peace as you believe you are forgiven and made new. You will have as much joy as you believe you were the joy set before Him, the object of His affection and the reason He endured the shame and suffering of the cross.

Your Father’s greatest desire is for you to believe His perfect work in perfecting you is perfectly complete so you can enter into His rest and do away with the law system that keeps you in bondage to willpower, self-sufficiency and dead works (which all lead to condemnation). 

Jesus is calling you, “Come out of hiding My beloved; You are safe here with Me, as you are, right where you are. I know you. I see you. And I don’t see you the way you see you. I want to show you what I see. You are clean. You are clothed. You are complete in Me. And you always bring Me pleasure.”

Child of God, when you feel condemned, you must condemn that accusing voice (Isaiah 54:17) and immediately receive the gift of His righteousness and superabounding unearned grace! (Romans 5:17) That’s how you “feel” His love, freely receive His flow of blessings and experience freedom from every type of bondage. 

My prayer for you today is that the spirit of condemnation in your life would lose its power and be replaced with the revelation of your Reality which is The Spirit of Life in Christ (the “law” of your new being In Him that liberates you. It is the Spirit of being righteous by faith alone). (Romans 8:2)

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes

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