Slow Down

“For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not,”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭30:15‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

“Slow down,” whispers your Father.“In coming back to Me and finding your rest in My love, you’ll experience Christmas.”

When all you feel is exhaustion and pressure from trying to keep up with the season by checking off your list, you’ll miss His presence in the present moment. 

You’ll miss the gift of peace that passes understanding in the difficult and the genuine joy of His Salvation in the mundane. You’ll miss Father Christmas. You’ll miss Jesus; Savior with you (Always. In union. In every circumstance).

Busyness and hurry kill our contentment and can even highjack our health. This season can be overwhelming if we let it. It can leave us feeling restless, uptight and empty on the inside.

Jesus was never in a rush, nor did He lose time. He never changes. Yet He is NOT our example. He is our life source; the resurrected One living inside us. The One who lived by the Spirit only doing what He saw His Daddy do, lives and breathes in you.

When we push, force and strive to make things happen how we think they should or even how we think God wants them to be, we are operating out of the flesh, living under law. In a nutshell, we are trying to be God.

That life is exhausting. Instead of burning bright, we burn-out. But when we surrender with reckless abandonment in simple trust because we know He finished it all and does it all, His Spirit flows like a river of peace and purpose in perfect rhythm with heaven. This is life under the freedom of grace.

It’s time to slow down and stop being moved by what we see, our natural self or even the “good intentions” of our own hearts. It’s time to slow down and be led by the Spirit. 

Follow His peace on the inside to do or REFRAIN from doing the things you aren’t meant to do. Remember you are a human being, not a human “doing.”

Life in the present moment is precious. This Christmas, don’t lose what really matters by “trying.” But let Him multiply and restore to you by letting go and trusting.

For God SO loved you He GAVE His Son up for you. You are the recipient. Christmas can only be received by believing and resting in His sacrifice, His love, His doing, His devotion, His faithfulness. This is your gift back to Him.

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes

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