Regret is a robber who takes peace from you; whispering the lie your past has not been redeemed. Worry is unbelief that steals life from you; shouting Jesus’s work couldn’t have possibly covered my future.
But He who is your Resurrection and your Life reminds you that His perfect love is your rear guard and His Goodness goes before you.
However, His Presence is here and now! His favor is here and now. His deliverance is here and now. His salvation is here and now. The very name Salvation is Hebrew for Jesus.
Beloved, because His blood has paid the price for you to rest in His victory, there will never be a time when He is not your proven help in times of trouble.
“GOD IS our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1 AMPC
You are not waiting for forgiveness. You were forgiven once and for all and have been given His robe of Righteousness now and for all eternity. You are not waiting for your breakthrough. Your breakthrough was purchased for you at the cross! You are not in lack, for your Shepherd Provider has already gifted you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ!
You only have to believe it and receive it. It’s all yours. You are co-heirs with your Savior!
Child of God, it’s time to rest and take His favor. No good thing does your Father withhold from you because His Son took your “no-good.”
The Heavens are open wide. He hears you. He knows you. He believes in you. He delights in you. He is overcome with passion for you.
He is not waiting for you to get your act together or reach some spiritual maturity level. He acted on your behalf and gave you His perfect performance! Now is the time for you to accept His acceptance!
NOW is the time for you to respond to His love and finished work. Now is the day of His scandalous grace! Take it and thank Him!
“For He says, I listened to you at the time of My favor. And the day when you needed Salvation, I came to your aid. So can’t you see? Now is the time to respond to His favor! Now is the day of Salvation!”
2 Corinthians 6:2 TPT
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes