YOU are not an orphan. YOU are not a slave. YOU have not been abandoned. YOU are not an employee of God. YOU, precious one, are HIS beloved son, beloved daughter.
Don’t live today in guilt or condemnation believing you have to strive to make something happen or perform for His approval and blessings.
You are drenched in His perfect love and clothed in His spotless robe of righteousness. (His FREE gift to you simply by believing).
Have a heavy heart? Tell your Daddy God! Have a request? Tell your Papa and believe it’s already yours. Just need to be held and revived? Be still in your Father’s tender presence and let Jesus serve YOU!
Under grace, you are no longer bound by that religious spirit that makes you feel like you’re not doing enough. You have been given a new identity in THE SON who did enough at the cross; the identity of the beloved by the Spirit of sonship.
You can exhale “duty” today and inhale His peace as you enjoy your full acceptance in Abba’s (Abba; Aramaic for intimate Father) embrace. Jesus, who put religion out of business, is always after real relationship with you as you are.
“And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as HE rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!…
“For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as He whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”
Romans 8:15 ,16 TPT
Open your heart and hands, and receive His tangible love that transforms as you declare in simple trust: “Abba, I am your beloved. I belong to You.”
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes
Amen! Elequent and Beautiful as always dearest daughter❣️