I Am No Victim: A New Year’s Decree

At the beginning of 2018, I wrote a blog called “Eagle Vision” based on a Word the Lord gave me that tied in with the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl. Ultimately, it was a call to the believer to see the way He sees because that’s where you’re seated. 

And what usually happens when the Lord brings you into a greater place of increase and intimacy? The enemy shoots his fiery darts there. He tries to thwart what God has already released into your life. He tries to steal, destroy and distract.

Yet, when your trust is in the One Who gives you life abundant, nothing can stop your Father’s BIG BEAUTIFUL plans for your life. And nothing or no one can separate you from His love. 

But what the enemy loves to do is get you to doubt…doubt God’s heart for you, doubt His love for you and doubt your identity in Him.

The enemy wants you in unbelief. God wants you in faith (believing in His grace). The enemy wants you stressed. But Jesus says, “My Shalom Peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled.” (John 14:27)

This past year for me personally was a roller coaster of emotions set on the backdrop of some pretty big promises from my Papa. I felt like I was in a whirlwind of every feeling possible but only because I am in a whirlwind of a new movement in my Father’s heart.

There were tough times (tears shed), strained circumstances, painful disappointments and callings that moved me out of my comfort zone.

But through it all, God, my Father, Savior and Lover of my Soul was doing more internally than meets the eye. “He can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”‭‭(Ephesians‬ ‭3:20 MSG‬‬)

Bottom line, the enemy wants you to be a victim with dubiety. But in Christ, you are a victor with Vision (Jesus is our vision. We are transformed by beholding Him; enjoying Him. See Jesus in the Word instead of striving in works).

God wants you to know that even when you’re pushed down and hard-pressed on every side, you’re held by the Prince of Peace; encompassed by the King of Kindness.

He’s not discouraged or surprised by your process. You shouldn’t be either. He’s preparing you in it; growing you in believing that He loves you perfectly in the midst of it. His grace is sufficient for you. His power made perfect in your weakness.

(Ps. “process” is just another word for your journey with Jesus; your walk, friendship and growing intimacy with Him. He is always with you and will never relax His tender yet powerful hold on you. Think relationship, not religion).

The following song “I Am No Victim” by Kristene DiMarco was released in September of 2017 and was my preparation song for what I would face in 2018. And while this year (on our Gregorian calendar) is coming to an end, our Good God lives outside of time and His goodness has no end. That means there is no end to all He will do in your life. 

As a matter of fact, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and the End…which means you can trust Him to have the first and final say-so in your circumstances and life. Not man. Not the devil (a created, defeated foe). God (Creator) has no equal.

And while He gives us time and seasons, He only adds and enlarges, grace upon grace. When you trust Him, He will not only bring restoration in place of all you’ve lost, He works every hard thing you’ve endured, every attack on your life, every mistake you’ve made, out for good, good, good.

Beloved, if it was a hard year, if you think you’ve blown it, or that you screwed up God’s best for you, I’ve got (GOOD) news for you. You and I aren’t that good. He’s bigger. And He never stops doing the impossible for you who simply believe. All because Jesus did it all for you before the creation of the world. 

No matter what comes your way in 2019, keep your focus on Jesus, Grace Himself. Come to Him. Lean on, be confident and trust in Him alone. Say “yes” and “Amen” to all His promises and let the Faithful One bring them to pass while you remain at rest.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, in Him, “greater things have yet to come…”

“Because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭TPT‬‬.

“I am no victim, I live with a vision.
I’m covered by the force of love
Covered in my Savior’s blood.
I am no orphan, I’m not a poor man.
The kingdom’s now become my own.
And with the King I’ve found a home.

He’s not just reviving
Not simply restoring
Greater things have yet to come
Greater things have yet to come

He is my Father, I do not wonder
If His plans for me are good,
If He’ll come through like He should.
‘Cause He is provision and enough wisdom
To usher in my brightest days
To turn my mourning into praise.

I am who He says I am.
He is who He says He is.
I’m defined by all His promises
Shaped by every word He says
Oh I am who He says I am
He is who He says He is
I’m defined by all His promises
Shaped by every word He says”

– Kristene DiMarco, “I Am No Victim” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OjxwryxSrIY  

Blessing your New Year!

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes

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