You. Are. Not. Alone.
Immanuel = God with us. Jesus with you. No matter what you are going through or how lonely you feel, your Savior Himself has promised you:
“…I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!].”
(Hebrews 13:5 AMPC).
Beloved, He hems you in; before and behind. He is beside you. His Hand of compassion is upon you and upholds you. Crucified and raised with Him, you are seated and hidden in Him! It’s the reason He came. To live as one with you. To tabernacle over you and dwell in you…and you in Him. To pour into you. To do life with you.
So don’t be afraid. He’s walking through the intense fire of your oppression and difficulty with you. It may be an extremely trying situation you’re in or maybe you’ve just been given some really bad news. Maybe it’s a relationship that is suffering or you are enduring deep pain and sorrow because of a loss. Perhaps you are burned out and weary, focused too much on trying to live “the Christian life” instead of resting in the indwelling Presence of Christ Himself, Who is your life. (Colossians 3:4).
Whatever it is, I want you to find comfort in knowing He knows, He understands and He feels it with you. Yet, in the midst of your heaviness, He invites you to find your rest in Him. Be held and known. But believe He is your Help, Hope, Healer and Restoration. Grace is the table He sets before you (Psalm 23:5)…a table not surrounded by walls of doom and gloom but by walls of Salvation (Yeshua in Hebrew=Jesus) Himself!
“…But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.”
Isaiah 60:18 NKJV
So when the heat is on, choose to trust Him. When you can’t breathe through the smoke of your despair, choose to surrender your hopelessness to The Resurrection and The Life. When all you can hear is the roar of fear surrounding you, choose to get still to hear His still small voice of Truth.
Even now, He is reassuring you of His Perfect Love for you and His plans of hope and abundance for your future, paid for at the cross. He carried your pain and defeat to give you freedom and wholeness. His promise to you is that the flames of this affliction will not consume you, but when your trust is in Him, His love and goodness will.
Resting in His love,
Annalee Reyes
This is good.
Thank you Claudia.