”The Egyptians could not see one another, nor did anyone leave his place for three days, but all the Israelites had [supernatural] light in their dwellings.“ Exodus 10:23 AMP
During their exodus, when there was darkness over the land of Egypt (darkness so thick it could be felt), the Israelites, because of their covenant with God, had supernatural light in their homes. This light was not a natural light. It was the presence of Jesus, their Messiah.
Now, because of His cross; because of the blood-covenant of grace, Jesus your Light, is all the light you need in any kind of darkness. Whether it’s a natural, outward darkness on the Earth or a personal “night season” of darkness you are experiencing, even the darkness is not dark to your Lord. He sees you there. The darkness conceals nothing from Him, for even at “night,” you’re immersed in His light! Yes, darkness and light are all the same to Him. (See Psalm 139:12).
So if you find yourself in fear, it is only the influence of a lie. And only His perfect love can dispel it. Sometimes it’s only when in the dark that His Light can illuminate the wrong believing that’s been holding you hostage. And only then can the only True Light bring you REAL LIBERTY and RESURRECTION LIFE.
Beloved, be anxious for nothing. Your help comes from the Lord, the Lord Jesus alone…the Creator who made the heavens and the Earth. The One seated on the throne who shows signs in the sun, the moon and the stars to lead the ones He loves back to His heart.
He Himself is your peace, your protection, your provision, your power and your personal freedom. I pray that by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, Jesus will uncover the eclipse of your heart to bring you into a deeper knowledge of and intimacy with Him.
Resting In His Love-Light,
Annalee Reyes