“Because of and through the heart of tender mercy and loving-kindness of our God, a Light from on high will dawn upon us and visit [us]…To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace.”
Luke 1:78-79 AMPC
At the beginning of 2023, the Lord gave me the word “LIGHT” for this year. I wrote about it here:
I then wrote all year long about what it means for Jesus to be your light. Now, as the year is coming to a close and we are getting ready to celebrate the Light of the World bursting forth from the womb of sinful flesh into a darkened world to save it, you must anticipate the Dayspring Glory-Light of His presence to break upon you personally in a holy and healing visitation.
He knows what you’ve been going through; the pain you’ve kept hidden, the hurts you’ve endured and the hardships you’ve been persevering through. He knows the heaviness of the hour we are living in. He knows what you’ve been fighting for in faith and what you’re hoping to manifest through trust.
There is no depression so deep that could cast down the LIGHT of His countenance and smile over you (Job 29:24). And whether you realize it or not, in all your distresses, He has hemmed you in closer to His heart and is enlarging you to receive more of His endless grace. Just as with the Israelites, the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more they multiplied and expanded! (Exodus 1:12).
Because the merciful heart of your Everlasting Father is so very TENDER towards you, He GAVE YOU His only begotten Son; the only baby born to die so you could live! This Wonderful Counselor, your Mighty God and Saving SAR Shalom (Prince of Peace, tranquility, welfare, health, wholeness and freedom) came for YOU! LOVE came for you, as if you were the only one on planet earth!
And now, in His unfailing compassion, the Word from Heaven comes to you again to shine His Splendor-LIGHT on your dark places and lonely spaces. Prepare Him room as He prepares to scatter your enemies with His dazzling display of dunamis power, illuminating your path that will lead you back into His agape love.
Beloved, as Christmas approaches, expect the unexpected as your Magnificent Morning Star becomes your only Way for the dawn of a new day. In your silent night, fall to your knees in adoration of Christ your Lord; Savior in every situation. It’s there in your surrender, the Manger King becomes the lifter of your head and crowns your year with His bounty and goodness! (Psalm 65:11).
Merry Christmas! ❤️
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes
Jesus has been pursuing you relentlessly all your life. If you’ve never received Jesus Christ as your forgiveness, your Lord and your Savior, you can pray this simple prayer from your heart and become born again, a brand new creation and child of Daddy God, your loving Father:
“Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son for me. I believe He came to earth to be born in the flesh to die my death on the cross. I believe His blood washed my sins away and completely cleansed me. I believe He redeemed me from every curse by becoming my curse and was raised from the dead because I was declared justified and righteous. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I am now fully forgiven! I am a child of God, blessed, favored and incomprehensibly loved. In Jesus Name. Amen!”