Tonight begins Hanukkah; the Festival of Lights. Jesus Himself IS our LIGHT. Jesus IS our Celebration. And Jesus IS our 8-day Miracle (8= New Beginnings).
In the gospel of John, right after Jesus set free the woman caught in adultery, by giving her the gift of NO condemnation (only then could she sin no more), Jesus stood in the treasure room of the Temple and revealed Himself as the true LAMPSTAND when He said, “I AM the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life” (John 8:12 AMPC).
Like the olives that were crushed for oil to light the menorah in the Holy Place, Jesus was crushed in His suffering to pour out His Spirit, filling us with His Life-giving LIGHT!
He is the solid gold (gold=perfect righteousness and diety)Tree of Life. He is the head of the church and therefore is the center shaft called the shamash or “eternal light.”
While the modern Hanukkiah menorah has 9 branches (9=gifts of Holy Spirit), the Temple menorah has six branches coming from the sides of the shamash (3 on each side) representing mankind and the church. The flames of the three branches on each side point inward to the center and highest flame. We as believers are to point to Christ! Jesus, the center of it all. Jesus, the One who holds all things together.
As the Word of God Himself, He is the lamp unto our feet and light to our path. His love-light never exposes our sin, as it was wiped out by His blood on the cross. But it always reveals how righteous He made us in His resurrection!
He is the Holy Fire who reignites our hearts in His grace so we can shine forth His salvation-light to a darkened world, bringing the lost Real Life and True Hope!!
This Hanukkah week, expect the Miracle and Father of Lights to release His good and surprising light-gifts as you look to Him alone!
Resting In His Love-Light,
Annalee Reyes