First of all, let me just start off by saying Jesus is my health. True health, wellness and wholeness always come from redemption not creation. Jesus suffered profusely, taking your sicknesses and pains, so you could be healed and walk in divine health.

That being said, with increased exposures of the pharmaceutical, medical and food industries, the Lord has been revealing more and more holistic and God-given resources, practices and products that His blood paid for and that benefit our overall health when led by the Spirit. 

Grounding is one of them. And one of my favorite things to do. If you’re not familiar with it, it is simply connecting with the Earth’s surface via bare feet or grounding sandals/shoes that have a conductive element in them to absorb the Earth’s natural electron flow.

The benefits of grounding are many. For starters, when walking skin to surface, the body absorbs free ions which act as antioxidants. Grounding also reduces inflammation, increases heart rate variability, improves sleep, improves tissue and cell repair, enhances blood flow and improves electrical activity in the brain.

But while I love to share how beneficial and fun the physical act of grounding can be, it is really a picture of how imperative it is to be spiritually GROUNDED in the Lord and in His love for you.

How beautiful and delightful on the mountains Are the feet of Him who brings good news, Who announces peace, Who brings good news of good [things], Who announces salvation” Isaiah‬ ‭52‬:‭7‬ ‭AMP‬‬.

Recently, while having a phone conversation with a friend, I was outside grounding when Holy Spirit instantly illuminated this Word in my spirit: “that you, being rooted and GROUNDED in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

The Greek word for grounded in the above verse is themelioō. It means to lay the foundation, to make stable and establish. Being founded in Christ, knowing who you are in Him and what He accomplished on your behalf is the bedrock of living a real and overcoming life. 

That is the starting point of your intimacy with the Father. Just like when your bare feet connect to the electricity in the Earth, it’s only when you are laid bare before the Lord without pretensions, His pulsating-resurrection-life transforms and heals yours. 

Beloved, it is all about His love for you. Not your love for Him. Getting filled with the fullness of His presence and goodness does not come from doing more. Striving to make “spiritual progress,” trying to please God by over-filling your “Christian plate,” and pressing yourself to prove yourself will push you past the breaking point and keep you from sweet communion with Him.

Getting filled with Jesus comes from letting Him give to you, serve you, and fill your cup to ‘runneth over.’ It comes from abiding in your union with Him knowing Holy Spirit gently, yet powerfully, restores you, moves through you and leads you from that place.

If you are weary…if you are feeling insecure, restless or empty on the inside, you get to “come back home” to find rest for your soul by simply receiving the extravagant dimensions of His “one-way” love. Let go and experience the breadth, test its length, plumb the depths and hang-out for a while on the heights of it! 

The truth of the gospel is that His blood has cleansed you of all sin forever. And His resurrection proves He made you righteous. You are flawless and innocent in His sight. It’s only when you believe this, you will come to Him as you are, face-to-face, encountering His grace.

“…He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— if indeed you continue in the faith, GROUNDED and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard…” Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭NKJV

NOT coincidentally, today (September 4, 2024) is the first day of the Hebrew month Elul on the Jewish calendar. Whenever the Lord drops a “Word” or theme for me to write about, it almost always coincides with His particular spiritual seasons, dates, feasts or months. 

ELUL is actually a Hebrew acronym taken from this verse in the heart-capturing Song of Songs:

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (6:3).

This verse is all about uninterrupted access to the King and intimacy with the Shepherd of your soul. This month is about ceasing from stress and taking time to just sit with your Beloved. Simply be His. Lay down in His green pastures of peace and relax by His still waters of hope while He anoints you with fresh oil. 

With so much going on globally and the world changing daily…with news of chaos on all sides and the heaviness of the political season we are in…with the crumbling of an evil empire and the birthing of a new Kingdom Era, there’s only one thing needful: To GROUND yourself in PERFECT LOVE

Resting In His Love,

Annalee Reyes


Jesus has been pursuing you relentlessly all your life. If you’ve never received Jesus Christ as your forgiveness, your Lord and your Savior, you can pray this simple prayer from your heart and become born again, a brand new creation and child of Daddy God, your loving Father:

“Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son for me. I believe He came to earth to be born in the flesh to die my death on the cross. I believe His blood washed my sins away and completely cleansed me. I believe He redeemed me from every curse by becoming my curse and was raised from the dead because I was declared justified and righteous. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I am now fully forgiven! I am a child of God, blessed, favored and incomprehensibly loved. In Jesus Name. Amen!”

Sent from my iPhone

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