The Lord And His Trump

In September of 2023, during the Jewish New Year, I shared from the Lord that this Rosh Hashanah 5784 is the year of a “Door Into An Open Heaven”…a very kairos and strategic season for the church. 

The Lord is calling you as a possessing believer (not just a professing believer), to “come up here,” so He can show you “what must take place after this.”  (Revelation 4:1).

Jesus is wanting you to rise up above the chatter, false narratives, chaos and confusion. He’s calling you higher to rest in Him – where you are seated in heavenly places – so you can receive insight and understanding for the times and seasons we are in. It is time to see from HIS perspective! 

What is taking place with our rightful president and CIC DJT is not only necessary for the continued awakening of the ones who have been lulled asleep, but is a paramount part of the Lord’s process and plan to “open the door” for future prosecutions of former presidents. The Babylonian system that has enslaved this country and the globe for far too long is being uprooted and dismantled.

“The thunderclap of battle shakes the foundations! The Hammer has been hammered, smashed and splintered, Babylon pummeled beyond recognition. I set out a trap and you were caught in it. O Babylon, you never knew what hit you, Caught and held in the steel grip of that trap! That’s what you get for taking on God.” Jeremiah‬ ‭50‬:‭22‬-‭24‬ ‭MSG‬‬

DJT is the Lord’s anointed modern-day Cyrus. He was born for this hour. The Lord‘s hand is on him as His chosen instrument for this time in HIStory. The gates of hell will not prevail against him. The bars of iron will be demolished before him. He will preserve our “original” God-ordained Constitution and fulfill his commission to bring freedom to America and the nations like no one else ever has.

Hold fast and do not entertain fear. The shaking is necessary for the saving! Continue to pray for DJT and his precious family who are sacrificing more than you can comprehend for your LIBERTY! 

“This is what Yahweh says to his anointed one, Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped as my servant to conquer nations and dethrone their kings. For I will open doors before him and no fortified gate will remain closed. “ ‘I will march out in front of you and level every obstacle. I will shatter to pieces bronze doors and slice through iron bars. I will give you hidden treasures of darkness and wealth waiting in secret sites so that you recognize me, for it is I, Yahweh, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name!” Isaiah 45:1-3.

Resting In His Liberty and love,

Annalee Reyes

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