HIStoric Pentecost

Sunday May 19, 2024 initiated one of the most significant Pentecosts for the Ekklesia of Christ since the birth of the church in the upper room. 

Pentecost is a Greek word that means “the fiftieth day.” It is celebrated 50 days (the seventh Sunday) from the resurrection of Jesus. 

If you remember, at the beginning of this year, I wrote about the Word the Lord gave me for 2024. It was a revelation of Jubilee and LIBERTY corresponding to the number 50. You can read it here as it is tied to Pentecost.

In Hebrew, Pentecost is called Shavuot. The very first Shavuot, under the old covenant, took place on Mt. Sinai with the giving of the law (Ten Commandments; the “ministry” that gives sin its power)…and 3,000 people died. 

But the first Pentecost, under the new covenant, took place in the Upper Room on Mt. Zion after our Lord Jesus finished purging every sin, taking all our judgement, becoming our every curse, conquering our death and raising us to new life in His righteousness…and 3,000 people were saved! (See Acts 2:41). 

Beloved, we are no longer governed by the law (a prison of self-righteous performancism as slaves). We are now living in the freedom of the Person of GRACE (who IS undeserved, unearned, unmerited, unclouded, unfailing love, favor and kindness).

The letter of the law kills (brings condemnation, and every form of death). But the glorious Spirit of Grace pours out LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANT! (See Romans 6:14, 2 Corinthians 3:6).

And that’s exactly what took place in Acts chapter 2, when the fullness of Pentecost was being fulfilled after our Lord was glorified. The gift of the wonderful Holy Spirit rushed in engulfing each one who had been waiting on the Lord to be endued with power from on high!

This baptism of flaming love and passionate fire now saturated these 120 believers (120= the end of man’s effort/religion and the beginning of the Spirit), equipped them to walk in the power of the Spirit, gifted them with their heavenly language (tongues) and gave birth to the church.

This fire is even revealed in the menorah which represents Jesus as the Tree of Life, the Light of the World and the Word of God. Each of God’s feasts is “positioned” on the lampstand. 

Moving from right to left, Pentecost, or Shavuot, lands at the center shaft (the shamash) which is a clear visual of Jesus in our midst. It stands above the rest and gives light to the other branches. What a picture of Pentecost! This is the heart of your Father, to freely give all of Himself to you.

When we lay down our lives in complete surrender to Him, He seizes us in the Source of all Life and we become like fireballs of His love to the world around us. Through complete dependence on Jesus alone, we move from living the natural life to living IN the supernatural realm.

Once baptized in the Holy Ghost, we become a conduit of His dunamis (resurrection-style, explosive) ability and authority. And because we are anointed with Holy Spirit, we can go about doing good, healing all who are oppressed by the devil because King Jesus is with us! We trust and He heals! (see Acts 10:38, Mark 16:17-18).

The God of time and space, who lives outside of time, gives us measured time on the earth and uses His feasts and seasons for His plans and purposes in HIStory! This Pentecost is marking a very strategic place on His timeline of events. 

It is a time when Jesus wants you to yearn for, long for and ask for the fresh outpouring of His mighty Spirit Wind – the very breath of God – to fill and overshadow you; bringing you into deeper intimacy with Him, giving you greater revelation of Himself and empowering you to walk in the power of His presence as He reveals His nature of profound goodness to you and those around you.

“The Greatest Harvest On Earth” has begun! Papa wants His children back and will shake whatever needs to be shaken to bring them home. In the midst of gross darkness, a mass rescue, a massive restoration and the sound of shocking salvations is blowing in! The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for you! You were born for such a time as this! Ask and you shall receive!

“If imperfect parents know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit’s fullness when his children ask him.” Luke‬ ‭11‬:‭13‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Resting In His Fiery Love,

Annalee Reyes

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