“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest…Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
When I first started writing years ago, it came out of a place of me fully enjoying the Lord and His love for me and I in turn was so excited to share that freedom. But there came a time when my writing, as well as doing other things, no longer came out of a flow, but rather I was forcing everything because I felt like I had to or “I should.”
A big part of that shift had to do with social media. Honestly, I felt like I was losing myself. And I wouldn’t even consider myself to be one who was constantly logged in.
Ultimately though, I ended up burning out on religion and longing once again for my intimacy with my Lord. I found myself living life “unto” the world around me instead of unto Him. I went from thriving in the place of grace (resting in His love), to just surviving under law in strife.
Anything “Christian-like” made me want to gag. I was “peopled out” and the thought of “doing” for anyone wiped me out. Then I allowed myself to feel guilty for having nothing left to pour out (condemnation is a killer).
If by now you are saying “Oh my gosh, that’s me!” you can breathe a sigh of relief. Because when we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of Grace, Jesus Himself.
“I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does.”
Romans 7:24-25 MSG
On a regular basis, I see more stressed out, over-worked, worn-out Christians than I do peaceful believers. This is the unbelieving world’s reality, but it should not be ours. Yes, in this world we have constant trouble, but we, the trusting ones, are supposed to take heart and rest in Jesus as our Peace and Victor! (See John 16:33).
So how do we end up in all that strife and toil then? Since the fall of man in the garden, the enemy’s job is to point you to you (that’s religion), but the gospel points you to Jesus!
While social media in its entirety is not bad (to say so would be to pluck from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), it most certainly can be used for bad, getting us focused on self and relying on man. Instead of being master over it by following the Holy Spirit for when and how to use it, we can become enslaved by it.
We look at what others are doing and think that should be us. We compare and try to keep up. And if we are not careful we can begin to live a counterfeit life, resulting in a major identity crisis.
Even when looking at things that are typically good on social media (ie. ministry, church or worship posts, etc), we start taking in too much information. We absorb thousands of sayings and hear a million different voices. And in the swirling, whirling rat-race, we no longer hear our Shepherd’s voice.
We become self-conscious, morbidly introspective and works-focused. Instead of following the Holy Spirit, we chase after knowledge resulting in self-effort. Its no wonder we lose our peace, feel guilty, insecure, discouraged, agitated and empty. It’s what happens when we try to live a life FOR God instead of living FROM our Father’s love in the reality of who we already are in Him.
Whether we’re too connected or too busy trying to do it all, the result is not being fully present with the Lord or the ones you love. It’s time to stop letting the enemy steal from you. Don’t lose yourself trying to prove yourself.
Beloved, you and I were made for intimacy. Intimacy with Jesus and intimacy with our Father. We were made for rest. We were made to rest in His finished work and be ourselves, living out who He already made us to be, not working to be who we think we should be. We were made to enjoy Him and His Presence.
We weren’t born again to be slaves, employees of God, and render service to Him. Jesus Himself said He came to serve us (Mark 10:45). We were made to receive. The King wants to freely give to His royal ones. The Father wants to freely give to His children.
He desires we live out of His love for us, not the other way around. He Himself is Perfect Love; Agape Love (unconditional and not of human form). Our love grows weary. His does not. Our devotion to God wavers. His does not. Our Faith is unstable. His Faithfulness is unstoppable.
Your true identity always goes back to the cross where Jesus took our place so we could take His. His death, burial and resurrection changed everything because He did everything. That means, in Christ, the pressure is off to prove ourselves, performing for God and others.
As a matter of fact, anytime you feel like you have to make something happen, you are operating out of the flesh, not the Spirit. The gospel is all about Jesus. Jesus only. And when you hear about who He is, what He’s done for you and all He wants to be for and through you, you will be transformed and everyone around you will be the recipient of it.
You don’t have to worry about serving or blessing others. You only need to let go and stop trying. Relax. Enjoy Jesus. Let Him meet you where you are. Let Him give to you and provide for you freely. No matter what you’ve done or what you failed to do.
It’s the one thing Mary did and her sister Martha failed to get (Luke 10:38-42). Martha was in the kitchen anxious, troubled and distracted by trying to give to Jesus (which caused her to blame those around her, even the Lord). Jesus was in the living room sharing the good news of the gospel (the freedom from what Martha was bound by) waiting for his beloved Martha to sit at His feet so He could give to her too.
He invites you to leave the hamster wheel and the pressured pace of life and come to Him Who is your rest. He wants to remind you you are a human being, not a human doing. He said you would be His witness not do witnessing (Acts 1:8).
He has made you the righteousness of God in Christ. That means there is no condemnation coming from Him ever! You are His wholly forgiven spotless bride, His flawless beloved, His pride and joy. Just.as.you.are.
“Now He climbs up on the mountain and calls those He Himself wanted, and they came to Him.”
Mark 3:13 TLV
So get away with Jesus. Delight in His unconditional love and let Him be God. When you do, you will be filled to overflowing. And the result will be glorious. Others will be touched by His light and presence in and upon you effortlessly. Your life will no longer be natural and annoying, but supernatural and anointed because it will be lived out of His love not obligation. His supply not demand.
If Jesus (fully man and fully God, but who emptied Himself when He came to earth to rely solely on His Father, John 5:19), needed to get away to be with his Abba (Daddy), how much more you and me? (Matthew 14:13,23, Mark 6:31, Luke 5:16, 6:12).
Remember, your relationship with God and all He has for you is entirely rooted in what Jesus has done not what you do. He desires that you know Him, really know Him! He doesn’t want your strenuous, trying-to-bear-fruit-on-your-own-self-efforts. He just wants you! And He’ll do the rest.
“Eternal life means to know and experience you as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son whom you have sent.”
John 17:3 TPT
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes
Good work! I’m so glad that you are sharing your insights with others!!!
Thank you John! When it’s all Jesus, it’s my greatest joy to share! Double blessings to you!