To have Eagle vision is to see Jesus. To see Jesus is to see Grace; His unearned, unmerited favor, faithfulness, goodness and kindness towards you. To see Him is to know Him. To know Him is to experience eternal life right here, right now. And when you continually see Jesus and yourself in Him, you will rise above the oppression and depression that pulls you earthbound and soar on His wings of victory. But what exactly does it mean to “see” Jesus? And how do you “see” Him?
“I had heard of you [only] by the hearing of the ear, but now my [spiritual] eye sees You.” Job 42:5 AMP.
This Hebrew word for “see” means to perceive, behold, recognize and understand. And it comes from our Father who wants to flood the eyes of your heart with the Light of His Love; the Revelatory Truth of all Jesus suffered and accomplished for you and on your behalf in His death, burial and resurrection. He wants you “cross-eyed” so you can live free of fear and receive freely all Jesus died to give you!
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you…” Ephesians 1:17-18 NIV
As with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (see Luke 24:13-32), Jesus will open the scriptures to you to show you they all point to Him and His finished work! The Bible is not about rules and what you can do for God. It’s a love story about the Heavenly Eagle who left His throne and came down to rescue you and bring you home into your Papa’s heart of love. Catch the vision? To see Jesus is to perceive God is smiling at you because He is happy with you and to recognize His pursuit of you for intimacy.
When the eye of your heart is opened to this grace, like the eagle who sees 4-8 times greater than humans, you will begin to see yourself as God does. You are the one Jesus loves and the one He died for. Believe you are His beloved. Believe Jesus is always willing to give to you and that He loves to be with you. From that place of trust in your heart, your vision center, you will understand His heart is to heal you, hold you, comfort you, bless you, love you and set you free from shame, sicknesses, addictions, loneliness and poverty.
It’s having a God-like vision to perceive that you are one with Him seated in heavenly places where His abundant life infiltrates you. And from this position in Christ, you will also be able to see where the enemy is stealing from you. You can then take your stand against him by resting in your Heavenly Eagle’s nest (Jesus’ heart) and letting your Savior fight your battles.
Eagle vision is owning your true identity in Christ knowing you are known to your Father as Jesus is (1 John 4:17). You may see your failures, but He sees His success on your life. You may see your insecurities, but He sees His perfect acceptance of you causing you to love who you are. You may see your pain, but He sees His wholeness making you new. You may see your shame, but He sees you in His righteousness. You may see yourself in your loneliness, but He sees you, His son or daughter, secure in His family.
Beloved, He is enough for you. You don’t have to be appalled by your mistakes, weaknesses and inadequacies. You can actually be real about them with Him knowing Jesus is fully attracted to those things. Your deficiencies draw His grace!
How fun to see a picture of this when the Philadelphia Eagles lost one of their best (the injury of their Quarterback Carson Wentz) during the season. The majority must have thought their season was over. But this flock of believers in Jesus had their trust in God alone and not their self-sufficiency. Actually, they were self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency and it was then God’s glory was seen on them and His wisdom displayed through them. And this was most evident in what seemed the greatest area of weakness at that time – the position of Quarterback. And well, we all witnessed the strength and power given to their backup Nick Foles.
“He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]…But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.” Isaiah 40:29,31 AMPC
Even the city is significant in this story. Philadelphia is our nation’s birthplace where liberty was declared because “In God We Trust” was the foundation for this nation. I believe the Lord is doing mighty things in our country right now drawing many to put their trust in Him and uniting us in His love. He is releasing wisdom and vision to His church for such a time as this.
He is ringing the bell of true freedom and liberty in the hearts of those who have been enslaved by fear (fear of government, fear of man, fear of judgement). They will be born again as they take refuge under the shadow of His wings, putting their confidence in the All Sufficient One and His provision. What God is doing on the Earth is always greater than what you see the enemy doing.
So child of God, get your hopes up! Look to Jesus! You were lifted up like an eagle in His resurrection! You are free! You are not a caged bird. You are not a chicken bound to the ground (the curse of the fallen Earth). You are a Royal Flyer! You have a Heavenly position with your Father! He’s calling you, His eaglet, to flight! You were made to ascend in His unconditional love! From the crag of His mountain top, you’ll catch sight of His promises that reassure you the best is yet to come!
Resting In His Love,
Annalee Reyes
Beautifully written!
One of my favorites.
Praying for “Eagle Vision!”
Love you so, 💓😛
Where have I been! Thank you so very much for sending me your blog! It is just what I need! I have savored every word so far, and am going to delve into the previous archives as well! Many many thanks for sharing Jesus in such a wonderfully written Annalee way! 💖